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  • Diocese: "Chelmsford"


Showing 1 - 50 of 693 results
Name Diocese Function Species
Abberton: St Andrew Chelmsford Churchyard 77
Abbess Roding: St Edmund Chelmsford Churchyard 0
Abridge: Holy Trinity Chelmsford Churchyard No Burials 0
Aldborough Hatch: St Peter Chelmsford Churchyard 1
Aldersbrook: St Gabriel Chelmsford Churchyard No Burials 0
Aldham: St Margaret & St Catherine Chelmsford Churchyard 20
All Saints, Berners Roding (disused) Chelmsford Churchyard 0
Alphamstone: St Barnabas Chelmsford Churchyard 2
Alresford: St Andrew Chelmsford Churchyard No Burials 0
Alresford: St Peter Chelmsford Ruin 77
Althorne: St Andrew Chelmsford Churchyard 3
Ardleigh: St Mary the Virgin Chelmsford Churchyard 14
Ardleigh: St Mary the Virgin Extension Chelmsford Churchyard Extension 0
Arkesden: St Mary the Virgin Chelmsford Churchyard 2
Ashdon: All Saints Chelmsford Churchyard 39
Asheldham: St. Lawrence Chelmsford Churchyard 0
Ashen: St Augustine Of Canterbury Chelmsford Churchyard 0
Ashingdon: St Andrew Chelmsford Churchyard 58
Aveley: St Michael Chelmsford Churchyard 0
Aythorpe Roding: St Mary the Virgin Chelmsford Churchyard 26
Barfield Road Cemetery Chelmsford Cemetery 0
Barking: St Erkenwald Chelmsford Churchyard No Burials 0
Barking: St Margaret Chelmsford Churchyard 12
Barking: St Patrick Chelmsford Churchyard No Burials 0
Barkingside Garden of Rest Chelmsford Cemetery 0
Barkingside: Holy Trinity Chelmsford Churchyard 3
Barkingside: St Cedd Chelmsford Churchyard No Burials 0
Barkingside: St Laurence Chelmsford Churchyard No Burials 0
Barling Magna: All Saints Chelmsford Churchyard 3
Barnston: St Andrew Chelmsford Churchyard 0
Basildon: Holy Cross Chelmsford Churchyard 23
Basildon: St Andrew Chelmsford Churchyard No Burials 0
Basildon: St Martin of Tours Chelmsford Churchyard No Burials 0
Beauchamp Roding: St Botolph Chelmsford Churchyard 2
Beaumont-cum-Moze: St Leonard Chelmsford Churchyard 26
Beckton: St Mark Chelmsford Churchyard No Burials 0
Becontree: St Alban Chelmsford Churchyard No Burials 0
Becontree: St Cedd Chelmsford Churchyard No Burials 0
Becontree: St Elisabeth Chelmsford Churchyard No Burials 0
Becontree: St George Chelmsford Churchyard No Burials 1
Becontree: St Mary Chelmsford Churchyard No Burials 0
Becontree: St Thomas Chelmsford Churchyard No Burials 0
Belchamp Otten: St Ethelbert & All Saints Chelmsford Churchyard 24
Belchamp St Paul: St Andrew Chelmsford Churchyard 29
Belchamp Walter: St Mary the Virgin Chelmsford Churchyard 3
Belhus Park: All Saints Chelmsford Churchyard No Burials 0
Bentley Common: St Paul Chelmsford Churchyard 56
Berden: St Nicholas Chelmsford Churchyard 35
Berechurch: St Margaret of Antioch Chelmsford Churchyard No Burials 0
Berechurch: St Michael (Audley Chapel) Chelmsford Churchyard No Burials 0

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