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  • Country: "Wales"
  • Diocese: "St Davids"
  • Function: "Chapel of Ease"
Showing 1 - 7 of 7 results
Name Diocese Function Species
Christ Church, Carmarthen St Davids Chapel of Ease 0
East Williamston Church, East Williamston St Davids Chapel of Ease 0
Llandyfan Church, Llandyfan St Davids Chapel of Ease 0
Llandyry Church, Llandyry St Davids Chapel of Ease 0
Llantrisant Church, Llantrisant St Davids Chapel of Ease 0
Robeston Wathen Church, Robeston Wathen St Davids Chapel of Ease 29
St David, Clynderwen St Davids Chapel of Ease 0
  • »

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