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  • Country: "England"
  • Diocese: "Portsmouth"
  • Function: "Paved Green area no Burials"
Showing 1 - 8 of 8 results
Name Diocese Function Species
Cowplain:Westbrook Portsmouth Paved Green area no Burials 0
Crookhorn: The Good Shepherd Portsmouth Paved Green area no Burials 0
Denmead: All Saints Portsmouth Paved Green area no Burials 0
Fareham: St Columba Portsmouth Paved Green area no Burials 0
Newport: St Thomas Portsmouth Paved Green area no Burials 0
Portsea: St George Portsmouth Paved Green area no Burials 0
Southsea: St Simon Portsmouth Paved Green area no Burials 0
Yarmouth: St James Portsmouth Paved Green area no Burials 0
  • »

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