Ecological summary

Burial grounds are fantastic places for biodiversity, often containing species rich grassland which was once widespread in the UK. The walls and monuments create habitat for amphibians, reptiles, small mammals and invertebrates as well as ferns, mosses and liverworts. Of the 2,000 lichen species in the UK, 700 are found in churchyards with a third of these rarely found elsewhere. Check for thrushes feeding on yew berries and swifts and bats under the eaves.

Caring for God's Acre is a national charity dedicated to supporting those managing burial grounds for conservation and heritage purposes. More information on the support offered can be found on their website here: To view the occurrence records in this burial ground click on the View records button underneath the map.

Ancient & Veteran Trees

The UK holds a globally important population of veteran and ancient yew trees of which three-quarters are found in the churchyards of England and Wales. There are about 800 of these ancient and veteran yews, aged from 500 to several 1,000 years old, with no known upper age limit. Burial grounds may contain veteran trees of other species.

Burial grounds may also contain veteran trees of other species, acting as hosts to a wealth of associated plants, animals, lichen and fungi.

Bats and Swifts

Bats – Bats use both the buildings and also the mature and veteran trees within burial grounds to roost, breed and overwinter. These places are relatively unchanging and so populations may have built up over centuries. In addition, bats may forage and feed over the grassland and other vegetation, taking advantage of the wide variety of insect species to be found.

Swifts – The eaves, roofs, towers and steeples of historic churches and chapels, combined with the space around them for accessing nooks and crannies make burial grounds excellent for nesting swifts. These buildings are relatively unchanging and so populations may have built up over centuries. Nests are hard to find and so surveying is crucial for good management.

[counting] species

This map contains both point- and grid-based occurrences at different resolutions


datasets have provided data to the NBN Atlas Beautiful Burial Grounds for this place.

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Other Heritage Information

Group Species

[counting] species

This map contains both point- and grid-based occurrences at different resolutions

Showing 1 - 42 of 42 results
Taxa No. of records Most recent record
Amblystegium serpens (Creeping Feather-moss) 1 2015
Barbula unguiculata (Bird's-claw Beard-moss) 2 2015
Brachythecium albicans (Whitish Feather-moss) 1 2015
Brachythecium rutabulum (Rough-stalked Feather-moss) 2 2015
Bryum argenteum (Silver-moss) 2 2015
Bryum capillare (Capillary Thread-moss) 2 2015
Bryum dichotomum (Dune Thread-moss) 2 2015
Bryum rubens (Crimson-tuber Thread-moss) 1 2015
Ceratodon purpureus (Redshank) 2 2015
Dicranoweisia cirrata (Common Pincushion) 1 1988
Didymodon nicholsonii (Nicholson's Beard-moss) 2 2015
Didymodon rigidulus (Perthshire Beard-moss) 2 2015
Didymodon sinuosus (Wavy Beard-moss) 2 2015
Didymodon vinealis (Soft-tufted Beard-moss) 1 1988
Funaria hygrometrica (Common Cord-moss) 1 2015
Grimmia dissimulata 3 2015
Grimmia pulvinata (Grey-cushioned Grimmia) 2 2015
Homalothecium sericeum (Silky Wall Feather-moss) 2 2015
Hypnum cupressiforme var. cupressiforme 2 2015
Hypnum cupressiforme var. resupinatum (Supine Plait-moss) 2 2015
Kindbergia praelonga (Common Feather-moss) 2 2015
Lewinskya affinis (Wood Bristle-moss) 1 2015
Myotis nattereri (Natterer's Bat) 1 2016
Orthotrichum diaphanum (White-tipped Bristle-moss) 2 2015
Pipistrellus pipistrellus (Pipistrelle) 1 2016
Plagiomnium affine (Many-fruited Thyme-moss) 1 1988
Plecotus auritus (Brown Long-eared Bat) 1 2016
Polytrichum formosum (Bank Haircap) 1 1988
Pseudocrossidium hornschuchianum (Hornschuch's Beard-moss) 1 2015
Pseudoscleropodium purum (Neat Feather-moss) 2 2015
Pulvigera lyellii (Lyell's Bristle-moss) 1 2015
Rhynchostegiella tenella (Tender Feather-moss) 1 2015
Rhynchostegium confertum (Clustered Feather-moss) 2 2015
Rhynchostegium megapolitanum (Megapolitan Feather-moss) 1 1988
Schistidium crassipilum (Thickpoint Grimmia) 2 2015
Syntrichia montana (Intermediate Screw-moss) 2 2015
Syntrichia ruraliformis (Sand-hill Screw-moss) 1 2015
Syntrichia ruralis var. ruralis 1 1988
Syntrichia virescens (Lesser Screw-moss) 1 2015
Tortula acaulon var. acaulon (Schreberian Earth-moss) 2 2015
Tortula marginata (Bordered Screw-moss) 1 2015
Tortula muralis (Wall Screw-moss) 2 2015
  • »

Charts showing breakdown of occurrence records ([counting] records)

Data sets Licence Records